Projecting a 2D Drawing

Projecting a 2D Drawing

Projection allows you to transform a flat 2D sketch into a spatial 3D scene while keeping your original view intact. In this guide, we’ll take a simple perspective drawing of a park and project its elements into 3D space.

A simple perspective drawing of a park

Start with a 2D Sketch

We start with a perspective sketch of a park featuring trees, a pathway, and a person walking their dog.

From the side view, you can see that everything is currently flat on a single canvas.

From the side view, you can see that everything is currently flat on a single canvas.

Save the Original View

Since we want to maintain the composition of our original perspective, we first navigate to that view and save it as a Bookmark. This ensures that if we move away during projection, we can always return to the exact starting position.

Save the screenshot as a bookmark

Project the Ground Using Hinge Projection

We begin by projecting the ground plane, as it will serve as a foundation for aligning other elements.

Select the Path

Enter Selection Mode and select all strokes that make up the pathway by dragging your pen or finger over them.

Select all strokes that make up the pathway by dragging your pen or finger over them

Hinge Project the Selection

Ensure you’re at the correct view (or tap the Canvas Thumbnail to return to it). In the Actions section of the toolbar, select Hinge Projection .

Select Hinge Projection

Place the hinge axis horizontally

Drag the two handles to position the hinge axis horizontally in the middle of the scene, approximately at the fountain.

Drag the two handles to position the hinge axis horizontally in the middle of the scene

Project the strokes into place

Drag along the axis to position your strokes. Use the Bird’s Eye View for reference to fine-tune the projection.

Drag along the axis to position your strokes

When you’re ready, hit Confirm to finalize the projection.

From your original view, the scene will appear unchanged. However, when you switch to View Mode and rotate in 3D, you’ll see that the path has been projected into space and now exists on a separate canvas.

The scene with the new canvas

Add Depth to Objects with Parallel Projection

Next, we’ll give depth to the trees and the person walking the dog by using Parallel Projection .

Select the tree and choose the Parallel Projection tool from the Selection toolbar.

The tree in Parallel Projection mode

Adjust the depth of the tree by dragging your pen or finger. Use the projected ground as a reference.

Repeat the steps for each tree and the dog walker.

The dog walker in Parallel Projection mode

Review the Final Scene

After projecting all elements, the original perspective remains unchanged, but the side views reveal a more dynamic spatial scene. The trees, path, and figure now exist in different planes, creating depth while maintaining the 2D composition from the intended viewpoint.

The dog walker in Parallel Projection mode

You can create a flythrough video of your projected scene using the Bookmarks List or publish it as an interactive web scene